Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Mystery of Stonehenge

Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England, about 2 miles (3.2 km) west of Amesbury and 8 miles (13 km) north of Salisbury. One of the most famous sites in the world, Stonehenge is the remains of a ring of standing stones set within earthworks. It is in the middle of the most dense complex of Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments in England, including several hundred burial mounds.

Archaeologists believe it was built anywhere from 3000 BC to 2000 BC. Radiocarbon dating in 2008 suggested that the first stones were raised between 2400 and 2200 BC, whilst another theory suggests that bluestones may have been raised at the site as early as 3000 BC.

The surrounding circular earth bank and ditch, which constitute the earliest phase of the monument, have been dated to about 3100 BC. The site and its surroundings were added to the UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites in 1986 in a co-listing with Avebury Henge. It is a national legally protected Scheduled Ancient Monument. Stonehenge is owned by the Crown and managed by English Heritage, while the surrounding land is owned by the National Trust.

Archaeological evidence found by the Stonehenge Riverside Project in 2008 indicates that Stonehenge could have been a burial ground from its earliest beginnings. The dating of cremated remains found on the site indicate that deposits contain human bone from as early as 3000 BC, when the ditch and bank were first dug. Such deposits continued at Stonehenge for at least another 500 years. The site is a place of religious significance and pilgrimage in Neo-Druidry

For centuries, historians and archaeologists have puzzled over the many mysteries of Stonehenge, the prehistoric monument that took Neolithic builders an estimated 1,500 years to erect. Located in southern England, it is comprised of roughly 100 massive upright stones placed in a circular layout. Whi1e many modern scholars now agree that Stonehenge was once a burial ground, they have yet to determine what other purposes it served and how a civilization without modern technology—or even the wheel—produced the mighty monument. Its construction is all the more baffling because, while the sandstone slabs of its outer ring hail from local quarries, scientists have traced the bluestones that make up its inner ring all the way to the Preseli Hills in Wales, some 200 miles from where Stonehenge sits on Salisbury Plain. Today, nearly 1 million people visit Stonehenge, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1986, every year.

The stones we see today represent Stonehenge in ruin. Many of the original stones have fallen or been removed by previous generations for home construction or road repair. There has been serious damage to some of the smaller bluestones resulting from close visitor contact (prohibited since 1978) and the prehistoric carvings on the larger sarsen stones show signs of significant wear.

Construction of the Henge
In its day, the construction of Stonehenge was an impressive engineering feat, requiring commitment, time and vast amounts of manual labor. In its first phase, Stonehenge was a large earthwork; a bank and ditch arrangement called a henge, constructed approximately 5,000 years ago. It is believed that the ditch was dug with tools made from the antlers of red deer and, possibly, wood. The underlying chalk was loosened with picks and shoveled with the shoulder-blades of cattle. It was then loaded into baskets and carried away. Modern experiments have shown that these tools were more than equal to the great task of earth digging and moving.

The Bluestones
About 2,000 BC, the first stone circle (which is now the inner circle), comprised of small bluestones, was set up, but abandoned before completion. The stones used in that first circle are believed to be from the Prescelly Mountains, located roughly 240 miles away, at the southwestern tip of Wales. The bluestones weigh up to 4 tons each and about 80 stones were used, in all. Given the distance they had to travel, this presented quite a transportation problem.

Modern theories speculate that the stones were dragged by roller and sledge from the inland mountains to the headwaters of Milford Haven. There they were loaded onto rafts, barges or boats and sailed along the south coast of Wales, then up the Rivers Avon and Frome to a point near present-day Frome in Somerset. From this point, so the theory goes, the stones were hauled overland, again, to a place near Warminster in Wiltshire, approximately 6 miles away. From there, it's back into the pool for a slow float down the River Wylye to Salisbury, then up the Salisbury Avon to West Amesbury, leaving only a short 2 mile drag from West Amesbury to the Stonehenge site.

Construction of the Outer Ring
The giant sarsen stones (which form the outer circle), weigh as much as 50 tons each. To transport them from the Marlborough Downs, roughly 20 miles to the north, is a problem of even greater magnitude than that of moving the bluestones. Most of the way, the going is relatively easy, but at the steepest part of the route, at Redhorn Hill, modern work studies estimate that at least 600 men would have been needed just to get each stone past this obstacle.
Once on site, a sarsen stone was prepared to accommodate stone lintels along its top surface. It was then dragged until the end was over the opening of the hole. Great levers were inserted under the stone and it was raised until gravity made it slide into the hole. At this point, the stone stood on about a 30° angle from the ground. Ropes were attached to the top and teams of men pulled from the other side to raise it into the full upright position. It was secured by filling the hole at its base with small, round packing stones. At this point, the lintels were lowered into place and secured vertically by mortice and tenon joints and horizontally by tongue and groove joints. Stonehenge was probably finally completed around 1500 BC.

Who Built Stonehenge?
The question of who built Stonehenge is largely unanswered, even today. The monument's construction has been attributed to many ancient peoples throughout the years, but the most captivating and enduring attribution has been to the Druids. This erroneous connection was first made around 3 centuries ago by the antiquary, John Aubrey. Julius Caesar and other Roman writers told of a Celtic priesthood who flourished around the time of their first conquest (55 BC). By this time, though, the stones had been standing for 2,000 years, and were, perhaps, already in a ruined condition. Besides, the Druids worshipped in forest temples and had no need for stone structures.

The best guess seems to be that the Stonehenge site was begun by the people of the late Neolithic period (around 3000 BC) and carried forward by people from a new economy which was arising at this time. These "new" people, called Beaker Folk because of their use of pottery drinking vessels, began to use metal implements and to live in a more communal fashion than their ancestors. Some think that they may have been immigrants from the continent, but that contention is not supported by archaeological evidence. It is likely that they were indigenous people doing the same old things in new ways.

In 1620, George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham, dug a large hole in the ground at the center of Stonehenge looking for buried treasure.

Stonehenge’s sarsens, of which the largest weighs more than 40 tons and rises 24 feet, were likely sourced from quarries 25 miles north of Salisbury Plain and transported with the help of sledges and ropes; they may even have already been scattered in the immediate vicinity when the monument’s Neolithic architects first broke ground there. The smaller bluestones, on the other hand, have been traced all the way to the Preseli Hills in Wales, some 200 miles away from Stonehenge. How, then, did prehistoric builders without sophisticated tools or engineering haul these boulders, which weigh up to 4 tons, over such a great distance?

According to one longstanding theory, Stonehenge’s builders fashioned sledges and rollers out of tree trunks to lug the bluestones from the Preseli Hills. They then transferred the boulders onto rafts and floated them first along the Welsh coast and then up the River Avon toward Salisbury Plain; alternatively, they may have towed each stone with a fleet of vessels. More recent hypotheses have them transporting the bluestones with supersized wicker baskets or a combination of ball bearings, long grooved planks and teams of oxen.

As early as the 1970s, geologists have been adding their voices to the debate over how Stonehenge came into being. Challenging the classic image of industrious Neolithic builders pushing, carting, rolling or hauling the craggy bluestones from faraway Wales, some scientists have suggested that glaciers, not humans, did most of the heavy lifting. The globe is dotted with giant rocks known as glacial erratics that were carried over long distances by moving ice floes. Perhaps Stonehenge’s mammoth slabs were snatched from the Preseli Hills by glaciers during one of the Ice Ages and deposited a stone’s throw away—at least comparatively—from Salisbury Plain. Most archaeologists have remained cool toward the glacial theory, however, wondering how the forces of nature could possibly have delivered the exact number of stones needed to complete the circle.

As Legend Has It
The legend of King Arthur provides another story of the construction of Stonehenge. It is told by the twelfth century writer, Geoffrey of Monmouth, in his History of the Kings of Britain that Merlin brought the stones to the Salisbury Plain from Ireland. Sometime in the fifth century, there had been a massacre of 300 British noblemen by the treacherous Saxon leader, Hengest. Geoffrey tells us that the high king, Aurelius Ambrosius, wanted to create a fitting memorial to the slain men. Merlin suggested an expedition to Ireland for the purpose of transplanting the Giant's Ring stone circle to Britain.  According to Geoffrey of Monmouth, the stones of the Giant's Ring were originally brought from Africa to Ireland by giants (who else but giants could handle the job?). The stones were located on "Mount Killaraus" and were used as a site for performing rituals and for healing. Led by King Uther and Merlin, the expedition arrived at the spot in Ireland. The Britons, none of whom were giants, apparently, were unsuccessful in their attempts to move the great stones. At this point, Merlin realized that only his magic arts would turn the trick. So, they were dismantled and shipped back to Britain where they were set up (see illus. at right) as they had been before, in a great circle, around the mass grave of the murdered noblemen. The story goes on to tell that Aurelius, Uther and Arthur's successor, Constantine were also buried there in their time*.

If the facts surrounding the architects and construction of Stonehenge remain shadowy at best, the purpose of the arresting monument is even more of a mystery. While historians agree that it was a place of great importance for over 1,000 years, we may never know what drew early Britons to Salisbury Plain and inspired them to continue developing it. There is strong archaeological evidence that Stonehenge was used as a burial site, at least for part of its long history, but most scholars believe it served other functions as well—either as a ceremonial site, a religious pilgrimage destination, a final resting place for royalty or a memorial erected to honor and perhaps spiritually connect with distant ancestors.

In the 1960s, the astronomer Gerald Hawkins suggested that the cluster of megalithic stones operated as an astronomical calendar, with different points corresponding to astrological phenomena such as solstices, equinoxes and eclipses. While his theory has received quite a bit of attention over the years, critics maintain that Stonehenge’s builders probably lacked the knowledge necessary to predict such events or that England’s dense cloud cover would have obscured their view of the skies. More recently, signs of illness and injury in the human remains unearthed at Stonehenge led a group of British archaeologists to speculate that it was considered a place of healing, perhaps because bluestones were thought to have curative powers.

Present Day Stonehenge
Situated in a vast plain, surrounded by hundreds of round barrows, or burial mounds, the Stonehenge site is truly impressive, and all the more so, the closer you approach. It is a place where much human effort was expended for a purpose we can only guess at. Some people see it as a place steeped in magic and mystery, some as a place where their imaginations of the past can be fired and others hold it to be a sacred place. But whatever viewpoint is brought to it and whatever its original purpose was, it should be treated as the ancients treated it, as a place of honor .

The modern age has not been altogether kind to Stonehenge, despite the lip service it pays to the preservation of heritage sites. There is a major highway running no more than 100 yards away from the stones, and a commercial circus has sprung up around it, complete with parking lots, gift shops and ice cream stands. The organization, English Heritage, is committed to righting these wrongs, and in the coming years, we may get to see Stonehenge in the setting for which it was originally created. Despite all its dilapidation and the encroachment of the modern world, Stonehenge, today, is an awe-inspiring sight, and no travel itinerary around Britain should omit it.

Quick guide
Age estimated at 3100 BC
Location Wiltshire, UK
OS Reference SU 122 422
Type of stone Bluestone, Sarsen, Welsh Sandstone
Worship Lunar, Solar
Access English Heritage - there is a charge to visit the stones
Extra notes Except on special or arranged occasions, visitors are unable to walk amongst the stones

Did you know...
Stonehenge was constructed in three phases.
It has been estimated that the three phases of the construction required more than thirty million hours of labour.
Speculation on the reason it was built range from human sacrifice to astronomy.



Friday, April 11, 2014

The New World Order

Is this scheme to establish a New World Order in fact a reality? Yes it is. If you do not believe this I encourage you to study the United Nations documents and also the treaties which, once ratified by individual nations, become INTERNATIONAL LAW. The United Nations created the Commission for Global Governance, if you don't believe this, visit the United Nations website and look it up.

The Commission for Global Governance released a report: Our Global Neighbourhood, that predicates a world court, a global tax, and global police force. And the U.S. State Department Publication 7277 outlines a one world police force under the United Nations. So many prominent world leaders are calling for a one world government the intention is obvious. Yet most people are so occupied by life's responsibilities, careers, sports and television, they have little time to study what's going on in the corridors of power.

The coming one world government is being set up in the political arena under the flag of the United Nations, through organizations such as the Trilateral Commission, Council of Foreign Relations, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Bilderbergers, and the Club of Rome whose members include many world leaders, media personalities and other influential people. The published goal of the Council of Foreign Relations for example is a one world government. And although most have never heard of many of these groups, they do exist, and they are very influential. The core of these groups hold to "illuminist" philosophy.

A second focus is economics with free trade agreements, the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and the Bank of International Settlements. The coming global monetary crisis is intended to institute a universal debt-based currency controlled by the International Financiers and issued to individuals against biometric identification cards. This is all about control!

The third area of focus is religion. Organizations like the World Council of Churches and the Parliament of World Religions were established to introduce a new world religion. It is based on a pantheistic/humanist philosophy. Pay careful attention when you study the documents and reports published by the United Nations and related organizations. This philosophy is now being taught in the education system and has been implemented under programs such as Goals 2000.

The New World Order will be SOCIALISM. Read the United Nations declarations and treaties for proof of this fact. The individual will be subservient to the state. Rights and power reside in and derive from the state, not the individual.

United Nations documents all speak of collectivism. They claim that private ownership and management of property is not to the benefit of the human race. These things are cloaked in a pleasant language, and most people are taken in and deceived. Yet few bother to study these documents.

In the New World Order you will be in serfdom to the controlling elite! You will have no liberty, and no rights. The State will look after you for your best interests. Do you see how the governments of the free world are slowly becoming more involved in everyday life? This is exactly what socialism is. The government becomes involved in every aspect of personal life. Today we require a license for so many things. In Australia, farmers now require permission to farm the land they own. This is not freedom.

In the New World Order, private ownership of property will be abolished. You will only own what you need "after all this is best for the world." "We need to be looked after."

Terms such as 'sustainable development' mean depopulation and serfdom. The masses continue to fall for lie after lie after lie. Study history and you will discover that there have been very few free societies. Those that were free were either overthrown or fell into the trap of socialism, totally unaware of the dangers until it was too late. Socialism (communism) is always implemented through deception. History portrays a repetitive phenomenon . . . enslavement-revolt-freedom-apathy-enslavement. Enslavement frequently followed revolution because the people did not realize that socialism was slavery, not freedom.

Today environment is being used to make people feel guilty, enticing them to accept socialism as necessary. The environmental movement has been co-opted to strip private ownership of control and exploitation of resources. Many environmental 'facts' are lies, exaggerations and unscientific claims to manipulate the masses in the classic Hegelian Dialectic: create the problem, create opposition to the problem, then present your own predetermined solution. Global warming is a perfect example.

I recommend reading the study, 'The Report From Iron Mountain,' which suggested the environment as a tool by which to manipulate the masses to accept loss of freedom to a one world government.

Although a landowner pays taxes, and is steward of his land, its usage is dictated by international bureaucrats, 'empowered' by vague treaties, driven by an insane 'theology', genocidal philosophy 'approved' by the bullying bribing tactics of governments.

"The United Nation’s goal is to reduce population selectively by encouraging abortion, forced sterilization, and control human reproduction, and regards two-thirds of the human population as excess baggage, with 350,000 people to be eliminated per day." Jacques Cousteau, UNESCO Courier, November 1991.

Anyone who speaks against the incoming system will be labeled 'anti government' or a 'trouble maker', and either executed or imprisoned with majority assent. Citizens will support the new order because they will have been brainwashed by propaganda and will not understand what is really happening. Already in the United States those who support the Constitution, Patriots and the Militia groups are ridiculed as crazy paranoids and dangerous extremists. In Australia, it's the supporters of Pauline Hanson's One Nation and Graham Campbell's Australia First Parties who are ridiculed and persecuted. These are merely people who are aware of what is going on. If you are one of those who believe that these patriots who are against globalism are crazy and deluded, I ask, have you ever spoken to one? Have you checked validity of their claims? or are you blindly following what the media feeds you?

Currently the United Nations is trying to establish the framework for an international criminal court. When this is established the United Nations will be able to detain anyone from any nation and bring them before a panel of judges who will hear the case and pass judgment. This international court will deal with are 'crimes against humanity' and 'environmental crimes.' If you think there is nothing wrong with this I suggest you read how the U.N. defines 'environmental crime.' A system is being created whereby those in control will be empowered to manufacture a crime and arrest anyone they deem a threat. The courts have no jury, one is guilty until proven innocent, and there is no appeal. Also, because this Court is international, and your nation has surrendered its authority, your own country cannot protect you. This is going to affect YOU directly!

In the coming world government YOU will have no personal liberty and no freedom. Did you know that the Global Biodiversity Assessment calls for human population to be reduced from 5.6 billion to 1 to 2 billion within the next decade? (reference GBA Section You didn't see that on the six o'clock news, did you? Read the Declaration Towards a Global Ethic and learn what it classifies as 'authentically human.' This is a UNEP (United Nations Environmental Program) prepared by Hans Kung.

Learn how the United Nations define a 'hate crime.' Did you know for instance, that under Canadian law this website is classified as a 'hate' site? Pending U.N. legislation, and also 'Genocide Convention', classify this as a 'hate' site. However there is no hate whatsoever on this site, just a call for people to wake up to what is going on, and to receive God's Word. The only groups and/or people that I am against are those who believe in and seek to enforce socialism/Illuminism upon others.

Secret Societies and the New World Order

The plan to establish one world government is not new. It is a long established goal of those who practice the 'Mysteries'. The Mystery Religion is the oldest of all the world's religions. In fact all the worlds religions stem from the Mysteries except true Orthodox Judaism and true Biblical Christianity. The Mystery Religion stems back to ancient Babylon.

The Initiates of the Mysteries have a goal they term the 'Great Work.' They hold this to be a benevolent world dictatorship. It is the sort of benevolent dictatorship Adolf Hitler wanted. Adolf Hitler was himself an Illuminist and a member of the Thule Society. The entire SS were also initiates.

The 'Great Work' is a process of illuminating the human soul to a state of 'apotheosis'. It will be completed when the whole human race achieves this state. The Mysteries hold to the Platonic ideal wherein humanity is a singular organism. Adherents view humanity as one collective being, and the individual must sacrifice for the benefit of the whole. Yet the individuals in question are you and me.

Socialism and communism have their roots in the Mystery Religion. And despite what so-called experts may say, there is little difference between socialism and communism. The U.S.S.R. stood for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

People are initiated into the Mysteries by degrees. Those who possess the correct attributes continue to rise to the higher degrees. This method of progression through initiation ensures the complete indoctrination of the initiate into the philosophical teaching of the Mysteries.

Who are these people? They are the members of all the various secret societies and fraternal organizations such as the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Knights of Malta, Knights Templar, the Vatican and many many more. It should be stressed that the majority of the members of these secret societies are absolutely unaware of the true nature of their society, church or lodge. The higher initiates are known as the 'adepts' or 'keepers of the secrets of all ages.' The members may belong to any religion when they join the society, yet when they reach the higher echelons and become the adepts, I assure you they all practice the same religion.

One thing to remember with regards to these secret societies is that they are all the same at the higher levels. All the adepts belong collectively to what is known as the 'Illuminati' which means the 'illumined ones.' The Illuminati are those who have progressed through the various initiations in the particular branch of the Mystery Schools to which they belong until they have reached the stage of true illumination. Thus these people actually believe that what they are doing is right, just as Adolf Hitler thought that what he was doing was right and beneficial to humanity.

If you study back to the thirteenth century you will see that the Knights Templars were financiers. The International Financiers of today are still Knights Templars.

The worship of this religion is practiced in secret. The dogma and intentions of this religion are hidden by way of symbology. The average person sees the exoteric, outward or literal meaning of the symbols, while the Adept, Initiate or Illumined see the esoteric or hidden meaning of the symbol. For example if you study ancient history you will see that all the ancient cultures practiced sun worship. The average person (the uninitiated whom they term the 'profane') saw the sun in the exoteric and worshipped it as a god. While the High Priest saw the esoteric meaning and realized that the sun was only a symbol which represented a greater truth.

The sun actually represents the intellect and this is the doctrine or secret of the Mystery Religion. The moon represents the Church of the Mystery School and the stars represent the initiates. The moon does not shine with its own light but with the light of the sun. The Church of the Mysteries is itself lit up from the INTELLECT. The characters in the stories of ancient civilizations represented these objects. For example Osiris and Isis in Egypt represented the sun and the moon respectively.

The movie, "2001, A Space Odyssey" was an esoteric message to the body of initiates. Very few people understood its true meaning. It was not meant to be understood by the profane. But the Adepts of the Mystery Schools understood it perfectly.

The ancient stories of Babylonian, Egyptian and Greek mythology have more meaning than most people realize. Archeologists and historians only see the EXOTERIC and thus miss the whole point of what it all really means. When George Bush referred to a "Thousand Points of Light" in his speech in 1991 he was using the symbolic language and was referring to the body of initiates. When Bill Clinton in his State of the Union Address was speaking of about the "setting sun and then the dawning of the new era" he was also using symbolic language. The average person heard the esoteric meanings of these statements while initiates the world over smiled to themselves, as they understood the true meaning. You see George Bush is a member of the Order of Skull and Bones Society. Bill Clinton holds the 33rd degree in the Masonic lodge. Bob Dole, a Republican, is a 33rd degree Freemason. So it doesn't really matter for whom you vote, you are in effect voting for the Mysteries. These people and many others are all practitioners of the Mysteries and know exactly where the world is going. Many judges belong to secret societies. These people are everywhere and are all indoctrinated in the philosophy of the Mysteries.

These people believe they have reached a higher point in their evolution (another deception) and have the necessary wisdom to rule the rest of mankind. They believe there are but a few mature minds in the world and that those with the mature intellect need to guide humanity. They consider themselves 'illumined.' All this is true and can be verified in their own writings, this is what they believe. Unless you are willing to open your mind and research this topic you will continue to be deceived.

The coming New World Order is based on an occult philosophy known as the 'Pure Luciferian Doctrine' or 'Illuminism.' The symbology for this religion is everywhere.

Unveiling of the Mystery Religion

This religions public unveiling is has been occurring for quite some time. Although the average person who sees only the exoteric so will miss it completely.

In Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, the 30th to 33rd degrees are degrees of Illumination, with the 33rd being the most sought after by the 'illumined man.' The 33rd degree is the highest publicly known degree in Freemasonry. The number 33 signifies 'Illumination' and freedom from religious dogma (superstition). The human backbone contains 33 vertebra with the cranium (intellect) on top.

The number 13 is also significant in the Mysteries. In the occult Gematria (number system) the number 6 represents man. The number 7 represents divine perfection or God. The Hebrew (Biblical) Gematria system is identical for these particular numbers. Thus it can be seen that the number 13 is a combination of man and divine perfection which is exactly what Illuminism actually is, man becomes a god. The York Rite of Freemasonry has 13 degrees (only 9 publicly). The Bavarian Order of Illuminati (Adam Weishaupt's branch) also had 13 degrees.

The obelisk, a phallic symbol pertaining to Osiris, is another important symbol in the mysteries and symbolizes the lost word of Freemasonry or the 'secret' of the Mysteries. The obelisk is a symbol of the sun god (intellect) or generative force. To understand this fully it is necessary to study the Osirian cycle but I will not go into that now.

Consider the following examples . . .

The Pope's cassock has 32 buttons and his head represents the 33rd.
If you look at the roof of the United Nations General Assembly you will see a large light circular light surrounded by 32 smaller lights.
If you look at the United Nations own symbol you will see a circle divided up into 32 sections with the center being the 33rd.
On the United Nations symbol you will notice 13 leaves on the olive branch. The symbol for the Soviet Union has this feature as well as 32 rays emanating from the sun with the sun being the 33rd.
The Washington monument is an obelisk.
There is an obelisk at the Vatican surrounded by a circle. This represents the union of Osiris and Isis (exoteric). These two symbols are surrounded further out by 32 archways on each side of the courtyard, in all it is an outdoor temple of the Mystery Schools.
Examine the two Great Seals of the United States on the U.S. One Dollar Bill. Count the number of thirteens. On the eagle one wing has 32 sections while the other has 33. The symbology in these two seals is evident to all who understand the symbolic language.
13 inches is equal to 33 centimeters. Our measuring system originated in Masonic France in the 1790s.
666 divided by 212 Fahrenheit (boiling point of water) is equal approximately to PI (3.14...). Ice melts at 32 degrees Fahrenheit, corresponding with the degrees of illumination in the Masonic Lodge. D. Fahrenheit was most definitely a student of the occult.
Along with these few examples you will notice that many buildings (particularly those owned by foundations such as the Rockefeller Foundation) have symbology incorporated into their designs. Look out for symbols of the sun, pyramids, obelisks, the all seeing eye of Osiris, the circle with a dot in the middle, a snake in a circle biting its tale.

The list of symbology goes on and on, and is common in our civilization.

The UFO movement is laced with the Mysteries symbology. These people believe in aliens from other planets and are deceived because they do not understand the symbolic language. Were they to take time to seriously study what the theory of evolution actually teaches and the evidence upon which it is actually based, they would learn that life cannot evolve (I myself was stunned when I discovered this truth which upsets many people because of its philosophical implications, yet this is a provable fact!)

The New Age movement is full of the symbology, flick through the magazines in the New Age section of your newsagent or library. You will see the sun and other symbology everywhere. The New Age movement is a revival of occult mysticism which teaches that every human being can tap into their inner christ consciousness and become their own god. Yet because these people haven't studied history to find the roots of what they follow, they do not understand its true principles.

Human beings naturally hide from unpleasant realities which is why some women undergo cosmetic surgery as they get older, while women of all ages paint on the makeup to mask reality. People prefer fantasy and what feels good. This applies to those who refuse to investigate this particular world view I am expounding.

When Adolf Hitler was building his power base in Germany some people woke up and realized what was going on. Some were sounding the alarm to what they saw happening, but these people were largely ignored. Some Jews listened and left the country. Some Germans listened and left. Those who ignored the warnings soon found themselves living in tyranny, and wondered how it could have happened. The same warning signs are being shouted from the rooftops in Australia and America today. Yet people are too busy with everyday things to stop and think. As in the 1930's, people are going to be shocked when they lose their freedoms.

"How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think" -- Adolf Hitler.

Every one who ignores what is going on will suffer for their indecision when plans and comfortable circumstances dissolve around them. Such people will be unable to avoid their fate because all avenues of escape will be closed. They will continue to be controlled and manipulated like a flock of sheep and know it not. They will be slaves! While those who have woken up and prepared both physically and spiritually will be in a far stronger situation, understanding what is happening and why. Troubled times will be upon us all, but is it not better to be informed and able to act, than ignorant, confused and lost?

Everything I have written above is truth I have established through documented research. It is not based on conjecture or personal beliefs. It is provable! I am not asking you to believe any of it but I am asking you to look into it for yourself. You will not regret the few hours spent at your local library. It's not my job to convince you, it is up to you to convince yourself. My task is just to put questions into your mind, encouraging you to think freely for them self.


After studying the well documented quotes in that link please proceed to examine the United Nations treaties and declarations and spend time reading some of the books and articles on this Site so you may become more fully informed. I urge you to do your best and try to disprove this subject! You will find it proven.

Here is a link to a recommended reading list I have put together so that you may become more familiar with the topic. Recommended Reading. Please be aware that there is not a lot of time remaining for you to become aware of these issues. A global economic crisis is very near and the United Nations socialistic legislation is being enacted at breakneck speed.

"Ordo Ab Chao", a latin phrase meaning 'Order Out Of Chaos' and is the motto of the 33rd degree of the Masonic Lodge

"Those who wish to be ignorant and free,
believe in something that never was and never shall be."


Conspiracy Theories - Indian UFO Base

Kongka La is the low ridge pass in the Himalayas in the disputed India-China border area in Ladakh.  The Chinese held northeastern part is known as Aksai Chin and Indian South West is known as Ladakh. This was where Indian and Chinese army fought major war in 1962. The area is one of the least accessed area in the world and by agreement the two countries do not patrol that part of the border.
This is where the underground UFO base is located.
According to the locals on the Indian and Chinese side, this is where UFOs are seen coming out of the ground on a regular basis.  According to many, the UFO underground bases are in this region and both the Indian and Chinese Government haven known this for a very, very long time.
They are publicly confirming its existence.
“India has found an active UFO base in The Himalayas. We are working with China and the U.N. to discuss how to handle this alien incursion,” said Indian Defense Minister, A.K. Antony.  “We do not want our people to be alarmed.  We are confident we can contain this threat from an alien culture.”

UFO expert, Dr. John Malley, of the U.N. Panel on Extraterrestrials, visited the site (with Frank Lake of WWN) and has confirmed that the spaceships observed entering and exiting the base were from Planet Gootan.  “The spaceships had a purple light emanating from the bottom of their ship, and distinct markings on the under side.  This is a classic Gootan ship.  It is not, however, one of their battleships.”
Dr. Malley has been touring the globe, speaking to governments about the ongoing alien invasion (which he believes will last until December 2015) and how to best confront the aliens.  “We have to behave in a proper way when dealing with the Gootans.  If not, we are doomed,”  Malley said.

Why did India release the information now?
They had no choice.
Recently, some Hindu pilgrims on their way to Mount Kailash from the Western pass, came across strange lights in the sky. The local guides while in the Chinese territory told them that this was nothing new and is a normal phenomenon from Kongka Pass area the tensed border between India and China.  They were first turned by the Chinese guard posts as they were refused entry from the Chinese side and then when they tried to approach the site from Indian side, the Indian border patrol also turned them down in spite of their permit to travel between the two countries.
One of the pilgrims (Sukhbir Siwach) is a writer for The Times of India (the biggest English language newspaper in India) and he had planned an expose on the cover-up of the alien base by India.  The government was unable to stop him (a brave writer) – so the Indian government went public with information, some say in order to “control” the information.
UPDATE:  The Indian government (with help from the China, Russia and the U.S.) has scrubbed ALL mentions of this online and is publicly denying what they have already said publicly.  The outrageous cover-up continues!

WWN examined the site with Dr. Malley.  The locals in the aeras start laughing when they are asked about these UFO sightings. According to them the extra-terrestrial presence is well known and is in deep into the ground. They believe the Indian or Chinese Governments covered up the fact for some reason. But they are happy that they are now disclosing it to the world.
Why didn’t they report it to the global press?  They were told to keep quiet or face death.
The area where the UFO base is located is where the Euresian plate and the Indian plate have created convergent plate boundaries. Convergent plate boundaries are formed where one plate dives under another. Consequently, this is one of the very few areas in the world where the depth of the earth’s crust twice as thick as in other places. The opposite is found in hot spots like Yellow Stone National Park in America where the earth’s crust in thin.

Perfect for alien spaceships.

The U.N. Panel on Extraterrestrials has called an emergency meeting for September 22nd to deal with the problem of the UFO base.  Let’s hope they come up with a peaceful solution for dealing with the Gootans.


Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Mystery of Shugborough Inscription

History is full of obscure strings of text that serve as tantalizing puzzles for code breakers. From the Voynich manuscript to the cryptic codes by the Zodiac Killer, people have presented riddles hidden in what seem to be gibberish.

A monument, known as the Shugborough Inscription, attached to a large manor house in England displays a riddle that has yet to be solved.

On the grounds of Shugborough Hall in Staffordshire is a monument depicting a replica of Nicolas Poussin’s masterpiece “The Shepherds of Arcadia.”

Below that replica is a series of letters that appear to be without meaning:


Nobody knows what this means, and history does not help. The monument itself was built in the mid-18th century, although some claim that the mysterious code was a later addition, as it was not mentioned in documents until the 19th century.

Over time, there have been various “solutions” to the seemingly random letters. Here are a selection:

  • Admiral George Anson, famous for his circumnavigation of the globe, possibly encrypted an acrostic of a brief poem in Latin to the memory of his late wife. This verse translates into English as: “Best of wives, best of sisters, a most devoted widower dedicates to your virtues.”
  • Another attempt to solve the riddle posits that the letters are acrostics in Latin for particular biblical verses.
  • Others have suggested that the letters represent initials of noteworthy residents of Shugborough Hall and its environs.
  • A standard of many mysteries, it has been suggested that the letters, once decoded, will tell the location of the Holy Grail.
  • Someone has speculated that the code is actually in the Norwegian language, and that attempts to use Latin or English to crack the code are futile.
  • And there have been many that believe that the inscription does not represent letters at all, but is actually a string of numbers.

All those who have failed to solve the puzzle once and for all are in good company. Both Dickens and Darwin attempted to solve the riddle and failed, leaving the mysterious inscription for later generations to unravel.

The mystery of Phaistos Disk

The Phaistos disk is a fired clay disk, probably of Minoan origin, measuring some 16cm in diameter and impressed on both sides with 242 symbols set in a spiral arrangement. As yet, this unique archaeological find remains an undeciphered enigma.

Discovered in 1908 in the ‘Old Palace’ (1900 to 1700 BCE) of  Minoan Phaistos on Crete, little is known for certain about the disk and its origin, manufacture, purpose and meaning are much debated amongst scholars.
The disk is now generally accepted as Cretan in origin and therefore is probably a representation of the Minoan language in use during the period at which scholars date the disk - from 1850 to 1550 BCE. Arguments that it is of native Minoan manufacture include the presence of popular Minoan artistic motifs such as dolphins, cattle, lilies and crocuses. The fact that the symbols are arranged in a spiral is also given as evidence supporting the Minoan (or at least Aegean) origin.
Measuring from 15.8 to 16.5cm in diameter and 1.6 to 2.1cm in thickness, the variation in size suggests that it was handmade. The 243 symbols are set on a spiral pattern of hand drawn lines and are separated into groups of between 2 and 7 symbols by vertical lines. The symbols seem to be oriented to the right, for example, a walking man and a face either walk or look to the right. This would suggest the symbols should be read from the centre of the disk outwards. Some symbols are represented vertically - a fish and a boat - and again point to the outer edge of the disk. Although the disk is unique, similar, but not identical symbols have been found on a bronze axe found at Arkalokhori in central Crete and the Mohican head symbol is similar to three clay statues found in the cave shrine of Traostalos in Crete (in use 1700-1600 BCE).
 The 45 different symbols represented on the disk seem to have been individually stamped (although some symbols of the same type seem to have been made with different stamps) and the disk then fired. Also, some symbols show evidence of having been erased and re-stamped either with the same symbol or a different one. Unfortunately, no stamps have as yet been found but their use in the manufacture of the disk would suggest other disks were, or were intended to be, made.
In addition to the symbols on the disk, there are also dashes and dotted bars impressed in the clay. The dashes or slanted lines seem hand-drawn and always occur under the symbol to the left of the symbols within a group as demarcated by the vertical lines. However, the dashes are not present in every group. Suggestions as to their significance include markers as the start of the word, pre-fixes or suffixes, extra vowels or consonants, verse and stanza dividers, or punctuation marks. Finally, as the lines are irregular in execution and not as carefully marked as the other symbols, it has also been suggested that they are simply accidental marks made during the manufacture process. The dotted lines occur near the outer edge of the spiral on both sides. Suggestions as to their significance include markers of the beginning or end of the text or as chapter markers linking the disk to other disks which together form a continuous text.
The significance of the symbols is hotly debated amongst scholars both in terms of what each symbol literally represents and their linguistic meaning. What can be said is that all known writing systems presently fit into one of three categories: pictographies, syllabaries, and alphabets. It has been suggested that the number of different symbols on the disk are too few to be part of a purely pictographic system and too many to be an alphabet. This leaves syllabary as the most likely option - each symbol is a syllable and each group of symbols is a word. Indeed this is the system of the later Mycenaean Linear B. However, in such systems, one would expect to find a reasonably even distribution of symbols within a given text and this is not the case with the two sides of the disk each displaying an uneven distribution of certain symbols. In addition, interpreting the text as a syllabary would rather surprisingly provide no one-syllable words and only 10% would have two syllables. For these reasons, it has been suggested that some of the symbols represent syllables while others represent whole words i.e.: they are pure pictographs.
Without any concrete evidence whatsoever, various theories as to the significance of the text on the disk include a hymn to the earth goddess, a court list, an index of religious centres, a letter of greeting, a fertility ritual, and even musical notes. However, unless other disks are found which would give linguists a wider range of text to study or archaeologists discover an equivalent of a Rosetta stone, we must face the likelihood that the Phaistos disk will remain a tantalising mystery which hints at, yet does not reveal, a language that has been lost to us.

The Mysterious Treasure of Thomas Beale

About a century and a quarter ago, a slim pamphlet was published in Virginia, USA. Amazingly for such an unassuming little document, it has ruined numerous lives, mostly through greed and obsession. It tells the story of buried treasure, and has snared the unwary ever since it was published. It is hard to imagine a treasure more like 'fool's gold' than that described in The Beale Papers. The story revolves around a set of ciphers, that have so far resisted every effort to break them. Fools, read on and become beguiled...

Lynchburg, Virginia, the 1860s
Robert Morriss is one of the few characters in this story whose existence is beyond doubt. He was born in 1778, in the state of Maryland, but moved to Loudoun County, Virginia, where he married Sarah Mitchell. He set up in the tobacco business, as did so many people in Virginia, and for a while he prospered. Unfortunately, he behaved like a bull in a bear market, investing large amounts of money in tobacco stocks whose projected market value was never realized.
Morriss faced financial ruin, but his very resourceful wife suggested that they lease a local hotel and set it up as a business. He found this was as lucrative as selling the 'deadly weed', and very soon became the foremost hotelier in the town. He had a happy and prosperous existence, passing away in 1863, two years after his wife.
A year before his death, Morriss reportedly invited an unnamed associate into his confidence with a tale of a guest, who left a valuable item in his charge. Many years beforehand, Thomas Beale had come to stay at Morriss's hotel. Beale was a handsome and swarthy man who had spent several years on the open range. Quite what he'd been doing out there was anybody's guess, but he was a regular guest of Mr Morriss and had come to trust him.
Hence, in the spring of 1822, he left with Morriss a small, locked iron box, saying that it contained valuable papers. Morriss thought nothing more of the box until Beale sent him a letter from St Louis elaborating on the box's contents. According to the letter, Morriss was to open the box ten years after he received it, at which point he would find that the papers contained within to be totally unintelligible without the aid of a cryptographic key. The key was contained in another letter that Beale had left with a friend of his, and which was not to be delivered until July, 1832.
The second letter never arrived. Beale was never seen again by anyone, and Morriss, being even better than his word, refrained from opening the box until 1845. When he did, he found the papers were covered in seemingly random numbers. Morriss did not breathe a word about the box to anyone else until 1862, when, with the Grim Reaper looking over his shoulder, he confided in an associate.

The Treasure
In his adventures, Beale and his party of 30 people had apparently stumbled upon a crevice containing seams of gold. They immediately set about mining it, agreeing to divide the gains between them. Eighteen months later, in 1819, they had amassed gold worth about $30 million, by today's reckoning, as well as some silver and gems bought with some of the gold. Having no means of securing it, they argued about the best course of action. Eventually, they agreed that Beale should take the treasure back to Virginia where he would sequester it in a cave near Buford's Tavern. When he got to the cave he found it unsuitable, and soon found another hiding place for their cache.

The Ciphers
Quite where this hiding place was located was about four miles from Buford's Tavern. How do we know this? After Morriss had passed the papers on to his friend, the latter set about deciphering them - a task which was to take his lifetime (and those of several others since). There were three ciphers: the friend managed to decipher only the second. He did this by realising that it was a book cipher.
In all kinds of cipher, the original plaintext is encrypted using a key to yield the ciphertext. Generally, the same key also serves to effect the reverse process and allows the original plaintext to be obtained1. In a book cipher, the key is a passage from a printed text. The encryption proceeds as follows: take the first letter of the plaintext, look up any word in the key that begins with the letter and then write down the position of the word in the key. Book ciphers are pretty secure as they prevent cryptographic attacks through frequency analysis2, providing that the same word is not used over and over again for the same letter.
The friend eventually hit upon a version of the American Declaration of Independence as the key, and managed to decipher the second of the three ciphers. What he got was3:

I have deposited, in the county of Bedford, about four miles from Buford's, in an excavation or vault, six feet below the surface of the ground, the following articles, belonging jointly to the parties whose names are given in number 3, herewith. The first deposit consisted of one thousand and fourteen pounds of gold, and three thousand eight hundred and twelve pounds of silver, deposited November, 1819. The second was made December, 1821, and consisted of nineteen hundred and seven pounds of gold, and twelve hundred and eighty-eight pounds of silver; also jewels, obtained in St. Louis in exchange for silver to save transportation, and valued at $13,000. The above is securely packed in iron pots, with iron covers. The vault is roughly lined with stone, and the vessels rest on solid stone, and are covered with others. Paper number 1 describes the exact locality of the vault, so that no difficulty will be had in finding it.

And that is precisely how far the associate was ever able to get with the ciphers. Eventually, he gave up, after spending the subsequent 23 years neglecting work, family and other aspects life in the vain hope of discovering the whereabouts of the treasure. One of the obstacles he ran into early on was the range of numbers in the other two ciphers. Attempts to decrypt Paper #1 using the Declaration soon ran aground when the numbers exceeded the number of words in the Declaration. And much the same result can be expected when other methods of numbering are used, such as starting at the end and working backwards.

In a sane world, this is where the story would have ended. The associate would have quietly given up and got on with what remained of his life, and no more would have been heard about the matter. The papers would have been consigned to much the same fate as the notorious 'Singing Frog' in the Warner Brothers' cartoon One Froggy Evening. Obviously they weren't, otherwise the following story would not now be related. The associate, much to the subsequent dismay of the people of Buford's Tavern and delight of treasure hunters, decided to publish the whole sorry story as a pamphlet - The Beale Papers - through the agency of a James B Ward in 1885, in an apparent attempt to put the matter firmly in the public domain, and thereby draw a line under the affair. Many of these pamphlets subsequently perished, along with the original papers, in a print shop fire.

Hoard or Hoax?
So, is there anything to the story in the pamphlet? Lots of people seemed to think so. Even discounting the difficulty of deciphering the remaining two papers, the phrase 'about four miles from Buford's' contains enough information to entice intrepid treasure hunters out into the Blue Ridge Mountains. Couple it with the occasional nugget of seeming sense that can be extracted from the papers when other keys are used, and you have a sure-fire recipe for all kinds of misadventure.
One of these nuggets pans out from trying to decipher Paper #1 using the Declaration. Mostly it fails, the numbers being greater than the number of words in the Declaration, but there is a sequence of letters ABFDEFGHIIJKLMMNOHPP visible in the 'deciphered' text. The chances of this occurring spontaneously in a randomly arranged plaintext is next to zero.
From the treasure-hunter's perspective, this sequence of letters is a deliberately placed hint to the decipherer that they are on the right lines in using the Declaration to decipher the remaining papers. If this is what the author intended, it is highly likely that not one but two or more encryption processes were applied to the original plaintext, a practice known as 'superencipherment'.
There is another explanation for why the papers may be genuine, but the remaining two ciphers yield gibberish. Suppose that the confidant of Morriss believed that the person with the key, who was due to turn up in 1832 was still alive but did not know about where the papers were concealed. Under such circumstances, the confidant may well have decided to publish one correct cipher in The Beale Papers and replaced the other two with random numbers in the hope that it might flush out this second person and bring them to Lynchburg in the hope of discovery where the treasure lay. The confidant could then have struck a deal to split the gains in return for the original ciphertext. Both would have gone away considerably richer men.
The third and least likely explanation, and therefore the one beloved of conspiracy theorists, is that the shadowy National Security Agency4 (or someone in it), home to the country's best cryptographers, has already deciphered the message and made away with the treasure, under which circumstances nobody would be any the wiser.
Whatever one makes of such explanations, they don't yield any real information about the contents of the ciphers. All the same, in the absence of such information, people have managed to convince themselves that the ciphers were genuine, mainly because it was much more difficult to prove otherwise.
Two of the most determined treasure hunters were George and Clayton Hart, who spent decades trying to solve the ciphers, but had nothing to show for it. Hiram Herbert, Jr became obsessed in 1923, but gave up in 1970. The ciphers were even made part of the training programme for the US Signal Intelligence Service, because its then boss deemed them to be of 'diabolical ingenuity, specifically designed to lure the unwary reader'.
Hardly surprisingly, some treasure hunters have decided to dispense with the task of deciphering the papers altogether, and resorted to more speculative action. Groups of people routinely get arrested in Bedford County for unauthorised digging on private property. One woman even dug up the cemetery of a local church in 1983, convinced that Beale had hidden the treasure there. This was at the top of Porter's Mountain, which is exactly four miles from Buford's Tavern. The landowners in this area are now painfully aware of treasure hunters and anybody wishing to dig here must get permission.

There are numerous aspects to the story that might indicate that there is less to it than meets the eye.
Doubts are first raised by the abortive attempt to decipher Paper #1 using the Declaration as key. The almost alphabetical sequence of letters that appears in the result is certainly not there due to chance, but the rest is gibberish. It is entirely plausible that anyone wanting to construct a fake cipher might start out by choosing words from the Declaration at random, but then start to work through the alphabet to relieve the boredom of the task, or perhaps to simply throw a 'red herring' into the mystery. Moreover, why would Beale have created three ciphers with three separate keys, instead just the one? Paper #3 also appears to be too short to list the next of kin for 30 individuals. And why encrypt these names and their places of residence? Possibly because they never really existed?
Additional doubts arise from the story itself. The words 'stampede' and 'improvise' are not recorded in general use before 1840, but were supposedly written by Beale in 1820 in his accompanying note to the ciphers. There are scant references to any 'Thomas Beale' at that time: the only such person who fits the bill died in New Orleans in 1820, before the box was handed over. Robert Morriss, on the other hand, did exist but his involvement cannot be verified, since he died long before the pamphlet was written.
Perhaps the most damning clue is in the account given for the decipherment of Paper #2. The version of the Declaration quoted in the pamphlet appears to be unique, in that it contains several errors, yet is supposed to have been discovered independently by the unnamed associate. Is it likely - or even conceivable - that Thomas Beale would have used the same inaccurate and seemingly unique version of the Declaration as the associate?
In addition, the person who made the cipher clearly miscounted the words in the Declaration, for there are a number of discrepancies which can only be explained by the count being wrong. And the person who decoded it published the count of words in the Declaration with the same errors, without mentioning it. So either the coder and decoder made the same mistakes, or Ward, in decoding the cipher, figured the mistakes out but didn't mention it, both of which seem unlikely. Or were they the same person?

Oh, What a Tangled Web We Weave...
If indeed The Beale Papers is nothing more than an elaborate hoax, then one has to inquire as to motive. No doubt, the sale of a few thousand or even just hundreds of copies of a pamphlet, netting the present-day equivalent of $15 a throw, would have been a nice little earner for its author, and this would have been reason itself to have contrived such a ruse.
There may have been another, surprisingly high-minded reason for writing the papers. On 30 May, 1883, a fire broke out in downtown Lynchburg, claiming several buildings and the lives of at least five people. The Lynchburg News went on to relate that:
The aggregate loss by the fire is variously estimated at from $250,000 to $300,000. Jones, Watts, Bros & Co are the heaviest losers, and their insurance is comparatively light. Members of the firm estimate their loss at from $75,000 to $100,000 above the insurance. Peters & Flood also suffered tremendous loss, but their insurance was also large. The loss by the Lynch estate was considerable and the minor losses foot up an enormous amount, and are severally indicated below in the statement of insurance.
In the following year, numerous events and appeals were launched to aid stricken families, and relief funds established. Almost exactly a year later, Mr Ward filed for copyright protection of The Beale Papers and the rest, as they say, is history. 'James Ward' (probably a pseudonym for the local newspaper editor) wrote this pamphlet as a 'dime novel', a frivolous work of fiction, purely to raise money for the bereaved families of the 1883 disaster, and the remaining stock of pamphlets was deliberately destroyed, when the author realised that he had created a monster capable of controlling or consuming all those with whom it came into contact.
Yet even today, individuals spend weeks or years of their lives attempting to decipher lists of numbers, and others head for Buford's Tavern with picks, shovels and a seemingly inexhaustible optimism. They will continue to do so as long as they believe that, instead of working for the American Dream, they can find it ready for the taking. And, as long as stories of buried treasure and secret codes continue to enthral, and there are fools enough to believe them.


Kryptos Sculpture

Kryptos is a sculpture located on the grounds of CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia. Installed in 1990, its thousands of characters contain encrypted messages, of which three have been solved (so far). There is still a fourth section at the bottom consisting of 97 characters which remains uncracked.
The main sculpture is located in the northwest corner of the New Headquarters Building courtyard, outside of the Agency cafeteria. The sculpture comprises four large copper plates with other elements made of red and green granite, white quartz, and petrified wood.
The name Kryptos comes from the Greek word for "hidden", and the theme of the sculpture is "intelligence gathering." The most prominent feature is a large vertical S-shaped copper screen resembling a scroll, or piece of paper emerging from a computer printer, covered with characters constituting encrypted text. The characters consist of the 26 letters of the standard Latin alphabet and question marks cut out of the copper. The main sculpture contains four separate enigmatic messages, three of which have been solved.
At the same time as the main sculpture was installed, sculptor Jim Sanborn also placed several other pieces around CIA grounds, such as several large granite slabs with sandwiched copper sheets outside the entrance to the New Headquarters Building. Several morse code messages are engraved in the copper, and one of the slabs has an engraved compass rose and a lodestone. Other elements of Sanborn's installation include a landscaped area, a duck pond, a reflecting pool, and several other seemingly unmarked slabs.
The cost of the sculpture was $250,000.
The first person to publicly announce solving the first three sections, in 1999, was Jim Gillogly, a computer scientist from southern California. After Gillogly's announcement, the CIA revealed that their analyst David Stein had also solved the same sections in 1998, using pencil and paper techniques, though at the time of his solution the information was only disseminated within the intelligence community, and no public announcement was made. The NSA also claimed at that time that they had solvers, but would not reveal names or dates until 2000, when it was learned that an NSA team led by Ken Miller, along with Dennis McDaniels and two other unnamed individuals, had solved parts 1–3 in late 1992. In 2013, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request by Elonka Dunin, the NSA released documents which show the NSA became involved in attempts to solve the Kryptos puzzle in 1992, following a challenge by Bill Studeman, Deputy Director of the CIA. The documents show that by June 1993, a small group of NSA cryptanalysts had succeeded in solving the first three parts of the sculpture.All of these early attempts to solve Kryptos found that K2 ended with WESTIDBYROWS, but in 2005 Monet Friedrich determined that another possible plain text was WESTXLAYERTWO.Later, in 2006, Sanborn announced that he had made an error in part 2, which confirmed that the last part of the plaintext was WESTXLAYERTWO, and not WESTIDBYROWS.

Solution of passage 1

Solution of passage 2

Solution of passage 3

Solution of passage 4
Part 4 remains unsolved, though there is an active Yahoo! Group (formed in 2003) that coordinates the work of over 2000 members toward decryption of the code.
When commenting in 2006 about his error in section 2, Sanborn said that the answers to the first sections contain clues to the last section. In November 2010, Sanborn released another clue: Letters 64-69 NYPVTT in part 4 encode the text BERLIN

Voynich Manuscript

When, in 1639, the Prague citizen Georg Baresch wrote to the famous Jesuit scientist Athanasius Kircher that he owned a mysterious book which was written in an unknown script and profusely illustrated with pictures of plants, stars and alchemical secrets, he thought that Kircher would be able to decipher this book for him. He could not have guessed that not only was Kircher unable to do this, but that a long row of vastly more expert codebreakers were equally going to fail. The book has come down to us and even now, more than 360 years later, not a single word from its 234 pages can be understood. 
Nor was Baresch the first to attempt in vain to read the MS. Before him, various scientists which the Holy Roman emperor Rudolf II collected at his court may well have tried their hand.
The book is now known as the Voynich manuscript (MS), after its (re)discoverer in 1912. The discovery of the MS by Wilfrid Voynich is best told by himself:
In 1912 [...] I came across a most remarkable collection of preciously illuminated manuscripts. For many decades these volumes had lain buried in the chests in which I found them in an ancient castle in Southern Europe where the collection had apparently been stored in consequence of the disturbed political condition of Europe in the early part of the nineteenth century. 
While examining the manuscripts, with a view to the acquisition of at least a part of the collection, my attention was especially drawn by one volume. It was such an ugly duckling compared with the other manuscripts, with their rich decorations in gold and colors, that my interest was aroused at once. I found that it was written entirely in cipher. Even a necessarily brief examination of of the vellum upon which it was written, the calligraphy, the drawings and the pigments suggested to me as the origin the latter part of the thirteenth century. The drawings indicated it to be an encyclopedic work on natural philosophy. 
the fact that this was a thirteenth century manuscript in cipher convinced me that it must be a work of exceptional importance, and to my knowledge the existence of a manuscript of such an early date written entirely in cipher was unkown, so I included it among the manuscripts which I purchased from this collection. 
two problems presented themselves - the text must be unravelled and the history of the manuscript must be traced. 
It was not until some time after the manuscript came into my hands that I read the document bearing the date 1665 (or 1666) (2) , which was attached to the front cover. 
This document, which is a letter from Joannes Marcus Marci to Athanasius Kircher making a gift of the manuscript to him, is of great significance
The Prague doctor and scientist Johannes Marcus Marci had been a faithful correspondent to Athanasius Kircher for over 25 years, and shortly before his death he sent the MS to Kircher. In the letter (3) he explains how he had inherited the MS from a close friend, who had tried to decipher this MS till the very end of his life, and had also asked for Kircher's help. He further explains that he learned from one 'Dr. Raphael' how the MS was originally bought by the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II of Bohemia (1552-1612) for 600 ducats, and that it was believed that the MS was written by Roger Bacon, (the Franciscan friar who lived from 1214 to 1294).
Another early owner of the MS was identified by Voynich when, on the lower margin of the first folio, under special illumination, the erased signature of Jacobus de Tepenec was found. Tepenec was one of Emperor Rudolf's courtiers and the director of his botanical gardens and he must have owned the manuscript between 1608, when he received his title "de Tepenec", and 1622, when he died. The MS has changed hands several times, and apart from some minor gaps in our knowledge its path from the court of Rudolf II to its final resting place, the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library of Yale University, can now be traced fairly accurately.
Voynich took the MS to the United States and started a campaign to have its text deciphered. He provided photographic copies to a number of experts. The MS became famous when, in the 1920's, William Romaine Newbold proposed a spectacular decipherment with which he meant to prove that it was indeed written by Roger Bacon, and that Bacon had not only dreamt of, but actually built microscopes and telescopes. When this 'solution' of the MS was disproven by John M. Manly in 1931, the MS gradually became a pariah in world of mediaeval studies. In the 1940's and 1960's the eminent cryptanalyst William F. Friedman made several valiant attempts at deciphering the MS, aided by groups of experts, but also he did not find any solution.
In 1961 the book was bought by H. P. Kraus (a New York book antiquarian) for the sum of $24,500. He later valued it at $160,000 but was unable to find a buyer. Finally, in 1969 he donated it to Yale University, where it remains to date at the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. Though officially registered as MS 408, it is still best known as the Voynich Manuscript. 
In 2009 the parchment of the MS was radio-carbon dated, resulting in a date range of 1404-1438 with 95% confidence.

Mpemba Effect

Water may be one of the most abundant compounds on Earth, but it is also one of more mysterious. For example, like most liquids it becomes denser as it cools. But unlike them, it reaches a state of maximum density at 4°C and then becomes less dense before it freezes.
In solid form, it is less dense still, which is why standard ice floats on water. That’s one reason why life on Earth has flourished— if ice were denser than water, lakes and oceans would freeze from the bottom up, almost certainly preventing the kind of chemistry that makes life possible.
Then there is the strange Mpemba effect, named after a Tanzanian student who discovered that a hot ice cream mix freezes faster than a cold mix in cookery classes in the early 1960s. (In fact, the effect has been noted by many scientists throughout history including Aristotle, Francis Bacon and René Descartes.)
The Mpemba effect is the observation that warm water freezes more quickly than cold water. The effect has been measured on many occasions with many explanations put forward. One idea is that warm containers make better thermal contact with a refrigerator and so conduct heat more efficiently. Hence the faster freezing. Another is that warm water evaporates rapidly and since this is an endothermic process, it cools the water making it freeze more quickly.
None of these explanations are entirely convincing, which is why the true explanation is still up for grabs.
Today Xi Zhang at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and a few pals provide one. These guys say that the Mpemba paradox is the result of the unique properties of the different bonds that hold water together.
What’s so odd about the bonds in water? A single water molecule consists of a relatively large oxygen atom joined to two smaller hydrogen atoms by standard covalent bonds.
But put water molecules together and hydrogen bonds also begin to play an important role. These occur when a hydrogen in one molecule comes close the oxygen in another and bonds to it.
Hydrogen bonds are weaker than covalent bonds but stronger than the van der Waals forces that geckos use to climb walls.
Chemists have long known that they are important. For example, water’s boiling point is much higher than other liquids of similar molecules because hydrogen bonds hold it together.
But in recent years, chemists have become increasingly aware of more subtle roles that hydrogen bonds can play. For example, water molecules inside narrow capillaries form into chains held together by hydrogen bonds. This plays an important role in trees and plants where water evaporation across a leaf membrane effectively pulls a chain of water molecules up from the roots.
Now Xi and co say hydrogen bonds also explain the Mpemba effect. Their key idea is that hydrogen bonds bring water molecules into close contact and when this happens the natural repulsion between the molecules causes the covalent O-H bonds to stretch and store energy.
But as the liquid warms up, it forces the hydrogen bonds to stretch and the water molecules sit further apart. This allows the covalent molecules to shrink again and give up their energy. The important point is that this process in which the covalent bonds give up energy is equivalent to cooling.
In fact, the effect is additional to the conventional process of cooling. So warm water ought to cool faster than cold water, they say. And that’s exactly what is observed in the Mpemba effect.
These guys have calculated the magnitude of the additional cooling effect and show that it exactly accounts for the observed differences in experiments that measure the different cooling rates of hot and cold water.
Voila! That’s an interesting insight into the complex and mysterious properties of water, which still give chemists sleepless nights.
But while Xi and co’s idea is convincing, it is not quite the theoretical slam dunk that many physicists will require to settle the question. That’s because the new theory lacks predictive power—at least in this paper.
Xi and co need to use their theory to predict a new property of water that conventional thinking about water does not. For example, the shortened covalent bonds might give rise to some measurable property of the water that would not otherwise be present. The discovery and measurement of this property would be the coup de grâce that their theory needs.
So while these guys may well have solved the riddle of Mpemba effect, they will probably need to work a little harder to convince everyone. Nevertheless, interesting stuff!

Secret society founded by the Indian Mauryan Emperor Ashoka

In the 1923 novel by Talbot Mundy named The Nine Unknown, he proposed a secret society founded by the Indian Mauryan Emperor Ashoka around 270 BC to protect and develop knowledge that if falls into the wrong hands would be dangerous for the humanity. He entrusted nine people with protecting the nine books of secret knowledge.
The nine books entrusted to these nine men is said to contain information on topics ranging from psychological warfare, physiology, microbiology, alchemy, communication including communication with extraterrestrials, gravity and antigravity devices, cosmology including hyperspace and time travel, light and sociology. Each of the Nine is supposedly responsible for guarding and improving a single book. Among conspiracy theorists, the Nine Unknown is often cited as one of the oldest and most powerful secret societies in the world. Unusually for the conspiracy subculture, the image of the group is largely though not entirely benign. Theosophists also believe the Nine to be a real organization that is working for the good of the world.